10 Natural Ways To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Home

Spiders are something most people are not crazy about and they certainly do not want them in their home. This is especially true if you live in an area with more dangerous spiders, such as the black widow spider or brown recluse spider. Both of these spiders are quite common in the United States and their bites can cause very painful and uncomfortable symptoms.

Keeping these spiders away from you, your family and your pets helps to keep your home safer and healthier. There are different things you can do to prevent spiders from taking up residence in your house without using powerful chemicals. These natural remedies are easy to use and you can combine for maximum spider-fighting effects.

1. Lady Bugs


You will not want lady bugs crawling around your house, but if you have a garden that is right up against your house, introduce lady bugs to it. This keeps spiders away from the perimeter of your home. This also works if you have a lot of flowers or bushes that are close to the foundation of your home.

 2. Natural Spider Spray

You can make your own spray and spray this in areas where spiders tend to congregate, such as the bathroom and other damp areas in your home. You should also spray it outside of your home along windows and doors so spiders do not want to enter. To make this spray, combine a cup of apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of oil, one cup of pepper and a teaspoon of liquid soap. Put all of these in a spray bottle and mix well. Make sure to re-spray everything every couple of days and after it rains.

 3. Peppermint Oil

Pure peppermint oil is strong and not only do spiders absolutely hate it, but most other pests do too. You can grab a plastic spray bottle and combine peppermint oil with water to make it last longer and to dilute the oil a bit so it does not irritate the skin of people or pets. Simply spray this everywhere spiders tend to go.

 4. Keep Things Clean

Spiders love clutter and they like to set up shop behind boxes and other things that are just sitting there. Dust at least once a week and make sure to put all boxes and packages away quickly to prevent spiders from spinning a web. You should also remove cobwebs as they occur.

 5. Get a Pet


Many pets will chase anything that moves and this includes spiders. While they may not be able to eliminate all of them, if there is one running across the floor, they may be able to nab it for you. Just use caution if you have poisonous spiders in your home because these can harm animals too.

 6. Clean Around the Perimeter

The perimeter of your home should be free of things like wood piles, trash and debris. Spiders will hang out in these and if they find a small entry, they will make their way into your home. If you have a fireplace and need a wood pile, make sure that this is several feet from your home.

 7. Use Cedar

The smell of cedar is something that spiders are not crazy about so adding some cedar mulch around the perimeter of your home can prevent spiders from coming in. Just make sure that you use a good quality cedar and that you maintain it. You can also place cedar in the home to repel spiders.

 8. Citrus Peels

Spiders hate the smell of anything citrus, such as lemons, oranges and grapefruits. You can find essential oils in citrus scents or save the cash and just use the leftover peels when you enjoy a piece of citrus fruit. If you are using citrus peels, make sure to replace them every 24 to 48 hours to that the smell stays potent enough to chase spiders away.

 9. Chestnuts


Chestnuts are great at keeping spiders at bay. Place these along the baseboards in your home and along the window sills to keep spiders from coming in. One of the best things about chestnuts is that they do not go bad quickly so you get long-term relief from spiders.

 10. Hedge Apples

Hedge apples are one of the oldest and most powerful ways to keep spiders from coming into your home. However, it is critical to put these in places where children and pets cannot go because they are toxic. When you are placing them, wear gloves and wash your hands afterward.