Homemade Treatments to get thick & long hair

Thick, long and lustrous hair is one of the most visible trademarks of a beautiful woman. A Woman with thick and long tresses always creates a favourable impression on one’s mind. For many centuries, people in the world have searched and tried different home remedies for hair growth. The Egyptians were famous for their “fig oil” and “castor oil” treatment, while the Greeks and the Romans used the exotic “olive oil” and “rosemary “treatment to boost their tresses.

Each of our hair strands go through three stages in its entire lifecycle- the Anagen stage, the Catagen stage and the Telogen phase. During the middle age i.e. around 30 years onwards, the hair growth starts slowing down due to the hormonal imbalances, improper diet and excessive stress.
home remedies for hair growth

Most Powerful Homemade Treatments to get thick & long hair


Egg is perfect diet and home remedy to get thick and healthy hair. Eggs are full of proteins. that is why egg is proved to have good effects on overall hair health. You Must include eggs in your diet to fulfill protein needs.

How to use:

For dry hair: Add only egg yolk ( more than 1 yolks could also be added according to the requirement), 2-3 tablespoon yogurt, 1 teaspoon honey in a bowl and mix well apply this mixture in your scalp and hair for 20-30 minute. Wash your hair with luke warm water.

For oily hair: Add only egg white ( more than 1 egg white could also be added according to the requirement), 2-3 tablespoon yogurt, 1 teaspoon honey in a bowl and mix well apply this mixture in your scalp and hair for 20-30 minute. Wash your hair with luke warm water.

For normal hair add whole egg and all above mentioned ingredients.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been used from centuries to grow hair faster. This oil is very effective for different hair problems like hair loss, dandruff. Coconut oil hair treatment can be applied to all hair types. Take coconut oil according to your hair length in bowl and put for 30 second in the microwave massage this oil in your scalp with finger tips in circular motion this will improve blood circulation in the scalp.

Fenugreek Tribal Seeds
Fenugreek seeds are best for long healthy hair and for treating hair loss as well. Soak 2-3 table spoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Make a fine paste of these seeds. Apply in your scalp and hair, let it for 30-45 minutes and wash with luke warm water