Home Remedies to Make White Hair Into Black

Ayurveda Home Remedies to Turn White Hair Into Black

In today's modern culture and western civilization anybody haven't time and they didn't think about care of body. Human body is not a machine, it is beautiful gift made by god and even if you assume it's machine then maintain as machine and you should know which part of the machine is idle and which part need care.

So I'm advising you on some important issues for causes to white hairs problems

Main reason is stress.

  • Morning walking on grass with bare foot is negligible.
  • Food factor is also a reason for white hair because intake food without nutrition.
  • Rest of body is not enough.

So, today I'm telling a remedy to cure from white hair problem and it's also cure with all other hair problems and disease.

First Step:- I’m discussing a Ayurvedic home remedy to turn white hair into black but firstly I’m discuss about the things are needed to prepare the remedy.

Materials and methods are as follows: -

Ingredients: -

  1. Lemon
  2. Pure Water
  3. Powder of Indian gooseberry (Amla)

Prepare The Remedy:-
Take juice of a lemon, two teaspoons of water and four teaspoons of Indian gooseberry (Amla) powder, mix them and make a paste. And keep it, up to an hour. Then the remedy is ready for use.

Use this Treatment:-
Put the paste 20 to 25 minutes in your hair as shampoo but remember that don’t use shampoo and soap, avoid these when you are using this remedy to getting effects of remedy.

Note:- Apply the paste to the hair such as it reaches into hairs roots.

Special Factors:-

  • Be careful of the water while washing hair it will not go in your eyes.
  • Use it every fourth day in a week and you see that in few of months all the hairs would be black.
  • You can use shop and shampoo and hair oil also on rest all day except the day you applying the paste.
  • If possible, the use of herbal (ayurvedic) shampoo, soap and oil would be a much better choice.
  • Pure Amla hair oil will be use as hair oil.
  • Apply the paste to the hair such as it reaches into hairs roots.

You can comment for any suggestion or advice from the comment box. and I hope that, this remedy will useful for you.