Benefits Of Mint For Skin:


 Mentha(mint) is a genus of plants in the family Lamiaceae. The species are not clearly distinct and estimates of the number of species varies from 13 to 18. Hybridization between some of the species occurs naturally.

Mint is an essential ingredient in many Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine and is popularly mixed with natural plain yogurt to make a 'raita' or brewed with tea to make the famous Indian 'Pudina Chai'. In Thai cooking, it is added to soups and to some highly-spiced curries. Mint grown in Asia is much more strongly flavored than most European mints, with a sweet, cool aftertaste.

Mint as Minta Spacata is a plant that has been long used in diverse cultures, such as India, Middle East and Europe. Mint has a sweet flavour, with a cooling after-sensation. Both, fresh and dried mint are used in preparing a large number of recipes, including curries, soups, chutneys, salads, juices, and ice creams.

  Mint leaves for skin

Here are the mint benefits for skin
  • Mint has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, mint juice for skin soothes mosquito bites and also softens and calms dry or itchy skin.

  • Apply mint oil to your hair 3-4 times every week for 30 minutes (before a shower). Doing this will help to get rid of lice as mint is a natural repellent for insects.
  • Take some oats and mix it with mint juice. Scrub your skin with this solution to remove dead skin cells. It also Hydrates, and Moisturizes your skin and also helps in removing Pimple marks.
  • Use of mint leaves by boiling in water and then soaking your feet in it helps to soothe cracked heels, removes odour and makes them soft.

  • Apply a paste of mint leaves on blackhead-affected areas and wash off after 15 minutes. Mint for skin helps in getting rid of blackheads too.
  • Salicylic acid present in mint helps in curing Acne too. Apply a paste of mint leaves and natural rose water and apply on your face. Clean off after 20 minutes. Doing this regularly helps in getting rid of that stubborn acne.

  • Mint leaves for skin controls oiliness too as it contains Vitamin A. It rejuvenates and refreshes the skin making it bright and soft!

Other  health benefits of Mint:

- Soothing the digestive tract and if you are having stomach ache then it can be of great help
- Drinking herbal mint tea reduces irritated bowel syndromes, cleanses the stomach and also clear up skin disorders such as acne.
- Mint acts as a cooling sensation to the skin and helps in dealing with skin irritations.
- Mint helps in eliminating toxins from the body.
- Crushed mint leaves helps in whitening teeth and combat bad breath.
- Mint is a very good cleanser for the blood.