Top ten foods that increase your hunger and cravings

Many dietitians will be happy if their clients say that they are eating very less. Great, better and faster weight loss and more clients.

Wrong on my opinion!!!! If you don’t eat well, you cant beat food cravings. Cravings are the enemies to weight loss. If you want keep depriving yourself, you will end up eating more of whatever you crave for.

Lets have a peek at the foods that can kill your healthy eating efforts.

Salty foods- These increase your cravings by dehydrating you. Now you know why Ruffles Lays have their jingle saying “No one can eat just one”.
Fatty foods- These make you lose your control over your taste buds. The sad part is you cant even enjoy it as you are feeling guilty.
Cold temperatures- Your body needs fuel to generate heat hence food becomes fuel and you end up getting eating more. Winter season is the time you need to exercise more. Hence indoor gyms will come to your rescue.
Artificial sweeteners- Boon or bane!!! Never use these to lose weight. These sweeteners find their way in all the food that are high in fat and in refined sugars. They trick you into eating more as you feel its safe to gobble more as it has no sugar. Take for eg, a piece of cake which contains refined flour and artificial sweetener. Refined flour is nothing but carbs and has no other nutrients.
Caffeine- This is a feel good stimulant, hence food with caffeine can make you eat more as you feel “happy”. Now you why you crave for that lattes and cappuccinos of Cafe Coffee Day.
Alcohol- Alcohol can really increase your cravings for all that tidbits kept in front of you while you are out drinking with your friends and you get mentally weaker to make healthy choices.
Not drinking enough water- Dehydration can make you very hungry. Plus you mistake thirst for hunger pangs. So start drinking up water.

Refined foods with no fiber- These foods enter into your blood sugars really fast and you start feeling hungry again after the meal. You can do a self check after you have eaten white rice or refined pasta.
Sugar- The most common culprit which you can never add a full stop to it.
Swimming-This is very good form of exercise but can make you really ravenous. This is because of the temperature differences as you are in cool water so your body demands for fuel and you push it further with exercise. Now you know why you feel so hungry after swimming. Now this does not mean you should not swim. You just need to keep your food intake in check.

Chewing gum-This bad habit stimulates the gastric juices, therefore saliva is produced and moves to the stomach fooling it into thinking there is food to be digested, making you hungrier.

 Diet soda-This is not only highly harmful to your health, it can also make you hungrier, that to its high amount artificial sweeteners that could have the effect of triggering appetite but unlike regular sugars they don’t deliver something that will squelch the appetite.

High fructose corn syrup-Moderation is seemingly impossible with this evil ingredient, it interferes with the body’s metabolism so that a person can’t stop eating. It slows down the secretion of leptin in the body, which is a crucial hormone that tells you that you’re full and to stop eating.

Frozen dinners-These dinners don’t have enough calories or nutrients to fill you up, and there is not enough roughage to expand in your stomach.

Pastries and baked goods-White sugar and flour have no fiber or nutrients and they are normally packed with white sugar as well, this will send you through the roof and then you come crashing down much hungrier than you were before.

 Sugary breakfast bars-This is practically the same as pastry, they are high processed and full of sugar, exchange them for real oatmeal, fruits and honey, or eggs and vegetables for a much better way to start your day.